Thursday, May 22, 2008

My talented sister

My sister doesn't have any formal training or schooling in art so I was blown away when she sent me this drawing. She was just sketching a lay out for her living room for the fun of it and she came up with this in only 45 minutes. Wow, she is seriously TALENTED! Katie - you rock girl.


Little things make me smile and one of the little things that make me smile are numbers on a clock. I saw 12:34 twice today! I am up late and surfing the web so when I saw the clock on my computer screen read 12:34, I decided to share a few pictures with you that kind of shows you how silly I am. I also love it when I see 11:11 on the clock so I just had to take this picture on January 11 at 11:11. When I saw my odometer was about to hit 123456, I had to pull over so I could take a picture with my cell phone. It's the little things in life right?

David Cook- Hello

David Cooks sings the heck out Lionel Richie's song "Hello". The judges are always telling singers to make a song their own and David definitely does that here.

My favorite David Cook song

I was literally blown away when I first heard David sing this old Michael Jackson song. What an amazing arrangement and what an amazing voice this guy has. He can seriously blow!!!!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Cook! Cook! Cook!

Anyone who really knows me knows that I am a HUGE American Idol fan. It is definitely in my top 3 favorite shows. I have loved David Cook's voice from the first time I heard him. I have watched 6 out of the 7 seasons and David Cook is hands down, my all time favorite American Idol.

I was blown and away and thrilled that he won. This has been a great year for surprising wins. First Eli Manning wins the Super Bowl and now this!!! Gotta love it.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Edible Undies

My best friend made me put this on my blog. Ok, well now the whole world knows about my crazy sense of humor.

I'm certifiable...I mean certified.

We have to get certified to drive all the fire trucks. They set up a course and we had to make sharp turns going forward and backing up. I drove the new truck and the big truck and I only hit one cone in each truck. Everyone else hit at least one cone also so I thought that was pretty good!

Butt, it's a theme part II

When we were working on the construction of our house, we had a lot of friends and family who helped us. We always had a lot of fun even though we worked hard. I told them I was making a scrap book of the whole construction process and I wanted a page that was called "Name That Butt". Being the good natured folks they are, they all posed for the camera. Gotta love a family like that!!!

Butt, it's a theme...

Come on, I know you are singing the lyrics to MC Hammer's "I like big butts"! I know... I am not right in the head. Butt seriously (hee hee), one of my favorite authors is Ann George. Her books are centered around 2 crazy sisters who live in Birmingham, Alabama. One of the sister's homes has a view of the Vulcan's butt and they are always joking about it. If you want to know about Vulcan, read this Nikki and I took a trip to Birmingham just to see the Vulcan's butt. The books mentioned the coffee shop at the top of the Vulcan statue so we had plans to go there and have coffee. Well we get there and find out that the author had taken some creative liberties in her writings because you can take an elevator to the top of the statue but there has never been a coffee shop. If you want to read a fun summer book, go check out Ann George's books!

My fascination with big toys

I think that Kenny Chesney wrote the song "She thinks my tractor's sexy" for me. LOL

The burn that worked

These pictures were taken at our house the first time the fire department came out to burn.

Simon loves his new home

The bottom picture is from our home that we sold in Millbrook. As you can tell, Simon LOVES the new country property and he is convinced we moved here just for him. LOL

Gotta Love Him!

I like John Deere green better but my man looks great by any color of tractor!

Burn Baby Burn

The fire department came out to burn the huge piles of wood from where we cleared for our pasture land. The first 3 piles burned all the wood but the last 2 two piles were apparently too wet because it left tons of charred wood. Thank goodness for my awesome friends, the Cauthens. They came to help me pull all of the charred wood out of the rows and stack them into 12 huge piles that we had to burn again. It was a very long and hard 2 days of work!

Playing in the dirt

We are wanting to start the new addition to our house but we have SO much dirt to move first. You can see the progress from the bottom picture to the top picture with Simon sitting on top of the hill. All of that dirt still has to go so it is a slow process. Once we get all of the dirt out to the tree line than we will come up with either a retaining wall or a drainage system. We are leaning towards some sort of french drain that channels the water into a storage container so we can use the water for our garden.

Biker Chick

Yeah, I WISH I was a biker chick! This is our Assistant Chief's new bike. Isn't it pretty?