Sunday, January 27, 2008

I AM the next American Idol

I love the show American Idol. The very first time I heard Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood, I was sure they would win. They not only won but are now superstars in the music industry. Season 7 just started and the first episodes are hilarious. They show all the people who tried out by signing a song acapella. They walk in the room and so confidently announce "I AM the next American Idol." So many of these people can NOT sing at all. The problem is they completely believe they can sing and when the judges tell them they were terrible, they stand there in utter amazement. They will argue with the judges and tell them they have taken singing lessons for years or all their friends tell them they sound just like Mariah Carey. The response from the judges are "you should ask your music teacher for your money back" or "your friends must be deaf." The judges are right on because these contestants truly are bad singers but the denial in the judging room makes for some hysterical television viewing.
Now I am the first one to admit I cannot carry a tune to save my life. But I can identify with these poor contestants at times. They showed a picture of the host of American Idol, Ryan Seacrest from the first season six years ago. I was utterly shocked at how much younger he looked back then. I realized that if he looks so much older than I must also. I will be 38 this year but I swear, I still feel like I am 29 at the oldest. In my mind I do not look any older now than I did than. But like those poor diluted contestants, I know I must be diluted also. In my own mind I am not overweight either. I am truly shocked sometimes when I look in the mirror because I am happy and feel thin in my head. It is kind of funny how we do this. The only difference between those very off key singers and myself is you will never catch me on TV. Can you just imagine it? Scary!
As the old saying goes, I guess it is time for me to "wake up and smell the coffee." It is like in AA meetings. You go in and admit you have a drinking problem. Admitting it is the first step. I guess I have to admit I do not look like I am 25 or 29 anymore and I do not look like a super model. I may not be able to sing and nothing is going to change that. I can live with that. But I can do something about my weight and there are things you can do to try and stay looking young. So let's pretend we are in an AA type meeting. I stand up and say "Hi. My name is Jennifer and I am not a smokin' hot super model." Now you all say in unison "Hi Jennifer." I guess my own denial time has come to an end.


Anonymous said...

'Hi Jennifer'. My name is Sandy and I'm not who I think I am...I'm not 25 and 125 pounds. Now you say...Hi Sandy. LOL
It is so funny that you posted this on your blog. I was thinking yesterday I was going to write about how I'm not who I think I am looking through my eyes. I don't think of me as people physically see me. It's soooo scary, isn't it? I may write it one day anyway.
Love ya, and Keep up the good work. You may not be able to turn back the clock, or sing, but you can GET HEALTHY and you're on the right track!

Tiara said...

Hi Jennifer! *grin*

I have to say I barely recognise myself anymore (50 lbs in a year will do that!) On the inside I'm happiest and healthiest I've ever been, but physically things are just not working like they should. In the end, it's an uphill battle, but doable IMO, just takes stubborness (but you don't have any of that, do you? *evil grin*)

As for feeling young on the inside, I swear that I look out the same eyes that I did when I was 12. The outside changes, inside beliefs and things change, but I still feel like a kid, just in an adult's body and I wonder "Does everyone else feel like this?"

Anonymous said...

I can identify with that! Those images in the mirror are pretty scary! I DON'T look like that! WHO IS THAT in my mirror?!
Aunt Diane

Nikki said...

So, I was watching NASCAR today (yes, I honestly love watching the races, did you know that? ) They interviewed a driver who is 22 (and super cute) but that made me feel old. So though I'd probably be too shy to actually stand up in the AA meeting...."Hi, I'm Nikki and I seriously need to stop eatting way too much unhealthy food."