Animals really touch my heart and this dog just amazes me. This dog has courage, strength, heart, and a love for life despite huge set backs. She inspires me to try harder, never give up, and that attitude is everything. Thanks Faith.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Another amazing dog video
A lot of you have seen this already I am sure but this dog continues to inspire me each time I see this video.
Trace Adkins - You're Gonna Miss This
Here is the song again. Somehow I deleted it from the post below.
You're Gonna Miss This
I recently watched the movie "The Bucket List" and it made me think of the Trace Adkins song "You're Gonna Miss This". Life goes by so fast. For me life is in the little things like watching vegetables grow bigger each day, listening to the sounds of birds, and feeling a country breeze on my face. To others like what the Bucket List portrayed, it is climbing Everest and Sky Jumping. Whatever it is in your life that you wish you could do, do it soon and savor the moment. I cannot always express myself perfectly so just listen to this song and if you get the chance, rent this movie. This is a portion of my bucket list:
*Shower in a waterfall
*Raft through the Grand Canyon
*Send a message in a bottle
*Go back to Israel and take it slow
*Accept myself fully for who I am
*Take Dancing lessons
*Sleep under the stars
Honestly though, I think I am the kind of person to really live my life this way. I have had many dreams and a good majority of them have come true. I have always said that life is what you make of it. Just a few of the things that are already in my bucket due to making it happen are:
* Fall deeply, madly in love
* Ride a camel
* Go snorkeling in the Grand Caymans
* Go skinny dipping in the ocean
* Let the past go and focus on the future
* Build my own house
* Save someones house from burning down
* Climb Dunn's River falls in Jamaica
* Honestly love and appreciate my family despite our differences
* Care for something so passionately that no amount of money could buy it
from you
Monday, June 9, 2008
Yum Yum
I am so happy with my new Blendtec blender. It makes awesome smoothies. For this one, I put in an orange, banana, grapes and half an orange bell pepper. I mix spinach in my fruit smoothies sometimes also and they taste wonderful. This blender is so powerful that it can even make bread. We can grind our own wheat berries and let the blender do the kneading for us. Yummy!
Mom, she is in my bed again!!
Simon is an 85 pound, 10 year old big dog and Kitty is a 17 year old tiny cat but she is totally the boss in this family. She will lay down on the stairs and dare you to step on her. She will not move for anyone and Simon accomodates her. It is not easy for him to get around her on the steps but he is always very careful to go around her and not step on her. If he wants to go lay down in his bed and she is there, he just sighs and finds another spot. The two of them are so sweet to watch.
Name that bush
I am not sure if this is a tree or a bush. It is on the grounds of the Capitol Building. It never fails that someone on each school tour asks me what kind of tree it is and I have never found anyone who knows. It blooms only in the spring.
If you know what it is than please let me know. A lot of you tell me you enjoy my blog but you just don't like posting comments and that is ok. But if you happen to know what this tree/bush is or what the red pottery is used for and want to post, you do not have to sign up or provide any personal information. Just hit the "comments" under an individual post, comment, and click on Name/URL and type your name. That is it, no having to provide your e-mail address or sign up for a blogger account.