I am not sure if this is a tree or a bush. It is on the grounds of the Capitol Building. It never fails that someone on each school tour asks me what kind of tree it is and I have never found anyone who knows. It blooms only in the spring.
If you know what it is than please let me know. A lot of you tell me you enjoy my blog but you just don't like posting comments and that is ok. But if you happen to know what this tree/bush is or what the red pottery is used for and want to post, you do not have to sign up or provide any personal information. Just hit the "comments" under an individual post, comment, and click on Name/URL and type your name. That is it, no having to provide your e-mail address or sign up for a blogger account.
It's hard to tell from the picture but the flowers look like hibiscus.
Aunt Diane
I think it has the Latin name neckus redinostris. It's indiginous to areas in the south where red necks plant stuff.
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