Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Whitewater Adventure

We had a blast on this whitewater trip in Leavenworth Washington. It was the first time I had ever gone whitewater rafting. I was terrified at first and about 15 minutes into it I was swearing that I would never do it again and I just wanted out. But about half way through, I started getting the hang of it and let myself enjoy the experience. By the end, I wanted to start all over and do it again right then and there. Mom and Mark were very generous and paid for the entire family to go. THANK YOU for that! It was a memory I will remember for a life time.


Nikki said...

Look at you little miss brave thing. I'm glad you ended up having fun.

Chuchy said...


Sandy said...

I love white water rafting, but it is sooo scary. I haven't done it since I was young. I totally relate to the fear/excitement feelings. Bill, Willy and Ian went a few years back.