Monday, April 7, 2008

Arson Expected

We were called out to a huge fire this week. It was determined that about 125 acres burned. We had to call forestry out so they could use their bull dozier and put breaks around the area in order to keep it from getting completely out of control. The fire Marshall came out to investigate the fire and they are pretty sure the fire was set by one of the near by homeowners. It is so stupid to purposely set a fire because they can determine how and where fires are started. The homeowner was telling us that his house was worth way more than he owed because he built it himself. When we found out they were investigating him, we were not completely surprised just because of the kind of comments he had been making to us. If he is found guilty, he will spend 10 years in prison. We were able to get the fire under control and no homes were damaged. We got very dirty fighting this fire. I had on my turn out gear but as you can see from the last picture, the soot gets up under it.


Nikki said...

Only 10 years? That sucks. He put peoples lives in danger and that's all he would get.

Sandy said...

I can't believe people would jeopardize family and neighbors for money. It just behooves me to think that they put a price on human value. They should get longer than 10 years in my opinion. I'm glad no one was hurt.
Them shore are some purty toenails for a firefighter/red neck gal. LOL

Anonymous said...

*shakes head* Desperate people often make very poor life changing decisions! I'm just glad no one was hurt and no property was damaged... I expect life is not very fun for that guy right about now.

Tammy said...

Why anyone would set fire to anyone's place... let alone their own home is beyond me! If he is guilty he should definitely be set to jail for a long time. I bet you feel like you need a very long shower after a fire like that! LOL