Monday, April 7, 2008

Spring has sprung

I have been very busy and have not had time to update my blog in awhile.

I took these pictures about three weeks ago. I love the colors of spring. The spring green on the trees is my favorite. We have had a lot of Bluebirds and Cardinals around our property and it is so fun watching them. I just love spring time!


Nikki said...

Spring is beautiful. I love tulips...almost as much as lilies.

Sandy said...

I love spring. We have been taking pictures of our dogwoods. They are everywhere this year. I guess we have had more rain than usual and they are feeling strong this year. My lilies haven't bloomed yet though, I don't know why.

Anonymous said...

Awwww...what lovely tulips! Autumn is setting in down here so the spring flowers are a welcomed sight... Great pics Jen! Making use of that camera, eh?

Tammy said...

Beautiful pictures Jen!
I am a "sucker" for flowers and those are some great photos.
Thanks for sharing them with us.