Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Our new truck

This last Thursday, four of us from the fire department went to Atlanta to pick up our new truck. This truck serves as both a rescue first response truck and a brush truck. It holds 300 gallons of water. As you can see from the middle picture, it can spray water while we are driving it. We will keep all our first aid and medical equipment on this truck. The seats are designed to hold our air packs so that we can strap ourselves into them on the way to a scene if there is a structure fire.


Nikki said...

thats awesome...a projectile vomiting truck!! Too bad it doesn't have spouts all the way around, then it could wash itself.

Sandy said...

She's a beaut!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I don't think I've seen a fire truck that sprays water out of the front while it's driving...very cool!

Tammy said...
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Tammy said...

Awesome truck...for sure! It is really neat looking....great asset to
your fire dept. I am still amazed every time that I think of you fighting fires!

Anonymous said...

Love the truck!!

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see pictures of the construction area and the rest of the property some time.

Song of the South said...

Great truck! It looks as if your fire department can be much more efficient now! Go Girl!