Sunday, May 4, 2008

Butt, it's a theme part II

When we were working on the construction of our house, we had a lot of friends and family who helped us. We always had a lot of fun even though we worked hard. I told them I was making a scrap book of the whole construction process and I wanted a page that was called "Name That Butt". Being the good natured folks they are, they all posed for the camera. Gotta love a family like that!!!


Anonymous said...

I love this post! I noticed you left yours off here. I have a pic of your tail in my butt files. lol I'll email the one I have of you so you can add it.

Anonymous said...

btw..I love Simons butt best:) Now, if you had a pic of Bill's butt, that'd be another story. You'd have lots of hits on your site 'cause everyone would want to take a gander.

Anonymous said...

Look for the skinnest bootie here, whichever one that is, it is mine.

Nikki said...

oh me on my!! The things I let you take pictures off. Did I sign a release for you to publish that picture?