Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Wanna see my bruise?

Believe it or not, this looks much better than it did two days ago. I was shooting my compound bow on Sunday and I snapped my arm when I sent the arrow flying. Ouch!!


Tammy said...

OUCH, Jen that looks terrible. I bet that it really hurt! What is it they say.....No Pain No Gain!! LOL

Tiara said...

Wow, that is one spectacular bruise! I can just imagine all the lovely colors it will turn as the days pass...LOL

Song of the South said...

Jen, you are so creative ( Even with bruises). Love ya, Cammy

Sandy said...

I told you to get a SISSY strap! But NOOOO you're no sissy. Who's cryin' now little girl! LOL It looks terrible. Did you hit your target?

Sandy said...

R U and Ian in a contest?

Gabby said...

Hey Jen,
If there is a contest going on I needed fair warning. A couple of days ago I was measuring trim around the windows at the house. Well I backed up to take a better look and tripped over Bre's bike. Let's just say I could have done without a petal enema.;) Don't worry I won't send pictures of mine!...LOL Barbara

Nikki said...

You need an arm guard!