Monday, June 9, 2008

Mom, she is in my bed again!!

Simon is an 85 pound, 10 year old big dog and Kitty is a 17 year old tiny cat but she is totally the boss in this family. She will lay down on the stairs and dare you to step on her. She will not move for anyone and Simon accomodates her. It is not easy for him to get around her on the steps but he is always very careful to go around her and not step on her. If he wants to go lay down in his bed and she is there, he just sighs and finds another spot. The two of them are so sweet to watch.


Anonymous said...

Now that is funny. Your cat has gorgeous blue eyes!

Song of the South said...

I love your animal family. My animals are one of the great joys of my life. Especially the grand cats!

Numquam Succumbe said...

Your "kids" are awesome. I really love them alot, and that story was very sweet. My old dog champ was a lab who was about 120 pounds and he used to let month old kittens sleep on top of him. It was so cute!