Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Bookmark for Joyce

I made this bookmark for Joyce as a thank you for being such a wonderful secret sister this past round. She gave me a challenge to use my newest stamping tool called a scor pal so this is what I am came up with using that tool. I hope she loves it. The book mark is on the right and the cover that you splip the bookmark into is on the left. It was fun to make. Rubber stamps can be used for so much more than making cards as you can see from the rolodex she made me. I guess since my blog is called Country Girl Stamper, I should really start to share more of my projects and cards with you.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Jen, I can hardly wait to get it in the mail. The bookmark is gorgeous. Thanks in advance. Joyce

Numquam Succumbe said...

aw, your new puppy is sooooo cute!
nice work on the book mark. you know, its good to see you posting because everyone else has slacked off. hmmm.
stay cool

Numquam Succumbe said...

Happy BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
love you girl

Song of the South said...

What a beautiful bookmark! That could make reading even more of a pleasurable hobby. I think it would be great for you to showcase more of your work. I really love seeing all the exciting things you create.

Chuchy said...

WOW sooo pretty

Tammy said...

The bookmark is so beautiful! You are so talented. It was really great seeing you last week....hope that we can get together again soon and play your "new game" LOL I am still laughing.... just thinking about that game!!

Numquam Succumbe said...

hey you!! When are you going to post again? I have no idea whats going on in your life!!! Post! Post! Post!!
How are your babies?

Nikki said...

That's beautiful!