Thursday, July 24, 2008

Moved by cherry trees

My spiritual path in life has taken many turns and some might think I have gotten off the path altogether. That could not be further from the truth. Yes, I probably will not ever go back into a church building and I want nothing to do with organized religion. But my relationship with God and my understanding of who He is has deepened so much in the past few years. I am awed by the canvas God has painted on this earth and I treasure it so much. I had never seen cherries on a tree before so when we were invited to pick from a private orchid in Washington this month, I jumped at the chance. This experience is one that I will remember for the rest of my life.

A very special thank you to the manager of this farm!


Sandy said...

The bounty of Hashem is so wonderful. I can't believe how bright and shiny they are. You know how, in the grocery store, they polish apples with wax and the apples right off the tree are more dull, not so with the cherries; this is unbelievably beautiful. So brilliant. Great photography by the way.

Anonymous said...

I had the same experience the first time I picked grapes at a vineyard.

Song of the South said...

Those things are gorgeous. I have spent some time in orchards recently. Not only is it a beautiful thing to behold but it is such a gratifying experience to be able to eat that wonderful, tasty fruit right off the tree. It always reminds me once again of how Awesome God is. I enjoy meeting and strolling along with the farmers who work so hard. They are just full of knowledge and I respect them so much on so many levels. Once again, those cherries are absolutely gorgeous, I can see why you were moved. I would someday like to pick cherries right off the tree!

Nikki said...

Wow, those look so delicious. It reminds me of going to pick strawberries and blackberries with granny and pa when I was little. So much fun. So amazing!